Please note: At this time, I am only accepting repeat clients for birth doula support. 

Savor it Studios Birth Philosophy

Pregnant people want to feel respected, listened to and supported. During this very special, yet vulnerable time, birthers do best when they are surrounded by those who trust in the natural process of birth, who believe in their bodies and help them to believe in themselves. I wholeheartedly support your ideal birth scenario of choice, and will assume your goals as my own. I value and appreciate medical interventions when medically necessary.  I will always believe in trusting in nature, and beginning with a natural, holistic or intuitive approach. But above all I believe birth is TRANSFORMATIVE in all its variations. Without judgment, I will support you and your partner through the birthing process so you can begin your parenting journey firmly rooted in your own knowledge and trusting your own decisions.

As your doula, I am a trained professional who understands and trusts the process of birth, who respects its transcendent and sacred aspects as well as its physical and emotional aspects, and who facilitates the birth experience for the parent(s) and baby.

facilitates (v.) –

To make easier, to ease, to smooth, to explain, to simplify; but also to empower, to allow, and to clear the way.

Michelle doing the double hip squeeze

I employ a variety of comfort techniques to aid in relieving the challenges and intensity of labor:

  • Breath work
  • Positioning
  • Massage and Comforting Touch
  • Guided Relaxation
  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Rebozo
  • Affirmations
  • Vocal Toning
  • Reiki


Your Savor it Studios Birth Doula Package Includes:

  • An initial (no obligation) virtual consultation, which includes introductions, review of our service agreement and questions
  • Two virtual prenatal visits focusing on education, birth plan preparation, labor and postpartum support and any additional topics you would like to address
  • One postpartum visit to check-in on your recovery, process your birth and answer questions
  • Unlimited email and phone support leading up to labor
  • Access to my password protected website filled with articles and resources
  • On call for labor two weeks before your due date to two weeks after your due date
  • Customized virtual phone/text/video support upon the establishment of labor until delivery, either at home or at the hospital


Prenatal/Postpartum Support Only:

I have designed this package to offer you holistic, wrap around individualized care based on your needs.  A blend of coaching, emotional support, education and wellness, this package provides doula support in an accessible way.  

  • 3 virtual one-hour prenatal visits 

  • 3 virtual one-hour postpartum visits 

  • 3 virtual one hour one-on-one yoga sessions (prenatal or postnatal)

Inquire about our birth doula availability!

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